There is little dramtic action that us struggling left can do that ha a massive global coverage effect so we have to join together and hit the fatcats where it their pockets.
Like all of you reading this it is highly likely that you all want to put a brick through a MacDonalds window or a Starbucks but infortunately this is illegal. So we have to react and fight within the law and not accepting these companies products or buying their produce means no big £££ and the fatcats aren't happy.
By joining groups like redstruggle we appose the fatcats with problems and questions or a larger, global group like the I.S.R (International Socialist Resistance) where no corperate companies fund our groups, but rely on the people to tell the shitfaces where to go and thats to fuck off and die!
So what can we do to try and put a stop to the wrong doing of thousands of workers throughout the world who are trated like shit, the companies who don't give a toss about the environment, don't care for anything but themselves? If the world should wake up we would be able to just get rid of them, but the world is dopey, and still fast asleep as America snores.
For a start, refuse to buy products from large American companies, such as Coke and McDs. Buy locally, like food from farmers, or markets, buy clothes from lesser known labels or just make them yourself. Ok, Ok making your own clothes is a last resort but keep it in mind.
Spread the word of the bad capitalist pigs so that the more people who boycott have a harder affect on the companies.